Innea | Innovazione, Energia, Ambiente

Research and Development

InnEA Group supports various Italian universities for the research of new projects to be interfaced with a typical installation for the treatment of O.F.M.W.S. and biomethane production.

An important resource, often overlooked, is represented by the CO2 that can be used for various applications. Following are the important projects, of which the consortium is a supporter:

  • Photobioreactor
  • Solargas - Windgas Project

These projects aim to demonstrate the potential of biomethane plants and promote a profitable and responsible use of waste as a resource.

InnEA | Research and Development

Innea believes that scientific research and dissemination of his results is essential to let understand  - to citizens and public administrators - the wealth of resources related to materials that currently are simply thrown away.

Innea S.C.p.A. P.IVA 03415850548 - T. e Fax +39 075 527 1961 -
 Sede Legale Via Settevalli, 320 - 06129 - Perugia   Sede Operativa Strada delle Fratte, 3/M - 06132 - Perugia - SEO & Webdesign